
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Super Soft Sugar Cookies

These are to die for cookies. I loved these and so did everyone else.
 It's Always Autumn has the recipe on her blog. Make sure you read her very helpful tips towards the bottom of her post.

Click HERE for the recipe

These are just like the ones you buy at the store but much more budget friendly.

I prepped all my ingredients:

I rolled out the dough with my hands (more like pressed) and
made them half an inch thick (not the 3/4 inch):
Make sure to use lots of flour. The dough will stick to the counter if you don't. 
(I used my sons drinking cup to cut out the circles. I know, sooo professional)

10 min in the oven and voila!!
Don't over bake them!

I whipped up the frosting, frosted the cookies, and they are done! 

1 comment:

  1. These look so delicious and now I definitely want some! I wish we lived closer, I'd come over and get some from you. :)
